Training & consultation feedback

"very clear and helpful hints"

"very good training - thank you"

"it helped me to improve my understanding of ADHD and how to manage it in the classroom setting"

"fantastic presentation. Delivered to a high standard and provided lots of useful information." 


Training and Consultation Services

I offer a range of training and consultation services to professionals working with children, young people and families.



I can provide bespoke training packages based on need to a range of professionals including school staff, nursery or pre-school staff, social care teams, voluntary sector staff, television production teams or other health / education staff.


Training topics recently delivered include:

  • Understanding & supporting ADHD in girls
  • Supporting wellbeing of school staff
  • Managing mental wellbeing during exam season
  • Supporting students with ADHD at secondary school
  • Understanding ADHD
  • Assessing for ADHD in children & young people

All my training is evaluated by the participants and feedback is exceptionally high.  Please contact me with your training needs for further discussion.



I can provide consultation to individuals or groups on issues around emotional wellbeing and behaviour of children, young people and their families.  Consultation can be an opportunity for thinking and discussion around a particular child, group of children or issue.  The aim of consultation is to empower professionals and enhance their thinking and skills for the future around mental health. 

Please contact me if you would like to book a consultation.

Training & Consultation

Training & Consultation

Dr Jo Steer & Associates